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The Long Blue Shadow





The first novel in the ILLUMINA TRILOGY

by H.P. Shreve​

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'What is light without shadow but

 illumination herself in a dance to show us the way.'   


"To spark the imagination, your pen must become a brush."

~ H. P. Shreve


SELF-GENERATED ORIGINAL SOURCE MATERIAL: Well-known for deep research, strong story engines, and precise language, Heather Shreve delivers not only original works in both television and in books, but the adventure of drama itself...providing us all with a way to explore the width and breadth of human experience by conjuring up timeless wisdom to inspire and engage us in the beauty of life. 


expert PROPOSAL WRITER: Ms. Shreve extracts the heart of each story and leverages the unique selling point to transform the hook into compelling and concise language in order to convey the tone and message of any project and craft a winning case.  


Circle of SKILLS: Award-winning screenwriter, historian, researcher, proposal writer, story designer, and master artist describe Ms. Shreve's symbiotic skills which unite and bring a signature depth to each project.  Through her company, Shreve Interactive, Inc., Heather has edited 20+ books, ghostwritten several more and uses her artwork to enhance brand and originality. A past member of NYWIFT (New York Women in Film and Television), she is on the top tier at Film Freeway with 15 Finalist, Semi-finalist, Quarter-finalist, and Winner awards and can be found professionally on LinkedIn and IMDb Pro.  



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at the mic

Gripping... Inspirational... Eloquent...

I've seen many speakers...Heather is so much better! Top-tier, in terms of story-telling with a message!' Heather's love and respect for her granddad, (the Colonel) is really a story about true leadership: taking care of your men. â€‹

'Exceptional!' ~ Dave Hogen, Commander, (ret) USN


For Keynote Speaking and Appearances: Please contact Heather Shreve below about availability and pricing for your next event.


write now

Story Design Consultation: by the Hour: $125. 

Are you in search of fleshing out a high-concept idea? Have a concept for a novel, graphic novel, TV show, film, or podcast? I construct 'from the ground up' story frameworks that include:  historical context, world-building, story engine and arc, tone, visual themes, premise and message, complex protagonist profile/arc, and more.  


After the elements have been decided, I can then create a Show Bible or Treatment to sell the concept including: Logline, synopsis, show summary, story engine, tone, themes, main character conflicts/misbelief, secondary characters, one season summary & episode summaries (for TV series/ mini series).   


Story Design Classes: Using 6 TV Episode Landmarks to Nail Narrative!

On location, first hour: $250. (Additional hours: $125. ea) 60-90 mins.

Decode the mystery of what makes Tv series so addictive as you learn to create narratives that grind like a boss! Harness the power of storytelling, unlock its potential to captivate audiences, enhance presentations, and elevate marketing strategies. You will gather critical insights into leveraging narrative techniques that can turn ordinary content into extraordinary promotional tools, creating memorable brand experiences that resonate with customers.  


If you are a Podcaster, Novelist, Power-pointer, Slide-sharer, Trailer-maker, Pitch-maker, Producer, Social Media magnet, Game Designer, Insta-grammer, Scriptwriter, and more...then Story Design is a must!  


I invite you to a FREE 15-minute call to discuss your project or class requirements. Schedule now:

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Producer-ready Original Scripts & Projects ready for review: 


The Bamboo Wife TV series: Pilot Episode - The Riddle + Show Bible


River Man Mini-series: Pilot Episode - Big Muddy + Show Bible


Once A Colonel Feature: Full script + Show Bible


Caught on the Equator Feature: Full script + Show Bible 


1883: Episode 10 - At Last: Full Spec Script



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